I’m a longtime admirer of Cathy Stoyko’s work.cathystoyko-2We first met at a hafla house party on Denman Island, where she presented a bellydance solo titled,  “I’m a Little Teapot.”  She consistently creates interesting and innovative pieces influenced by her wide-ranging studies of Romani styles, Odissi classical dane, Rajasthani folk dances, Middle Eastern & tribal bellydance, western contemporary dance, and more. Read details on her blog Cathy Stoyko Dance).

Cathy always participates in Denman’s infamous “Martini Lounge Cabarets,”  even though she is currently living in nearby Cumberland. These two clips are her choreographies from a 2012 Cabaret titled “Divine Misdemeanors.”  – LH

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Cathy: We were the Amazon woman archetype, a wild woman, totally inspired by B movies. I would love to do a series of dances, just on that theme. B movie ritualized strange dances . . . weird multicultural mixes and cultural appropriations.

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Cathy: This could only happen on Denman! Because, in big urban centres, people are overly saturated with so much going on. And you often don’t know where to start. ‘I couldn’t do that, I’m not a professional, I’m not this, I’m not that.’ And you come to a tiny community, and if you want something to happen, you have to make it happen. It’s a do-it-yourself mentality, that I think comes from living in a place like this. ‘I’ve never put on a show, but if I want to see a show, I have to put it on.’

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